How to use financing to boost your business on Amazon

Every successful business eventually faces the need to seek financing to drive its growth. As sales start to increase, new challenges arise, and it becomes necessary to take action to maintain momentum.

Inventory needs replenishing, product catalogs need expanding, investments need to be made in advertising campaigns to increase offer visibility, etc.

However, cash flow becomes an obstacle in this process.

Challenges of cash flow

When selling through Amazon, funds are not immediately available. Depending on whether Amazon’s logistics services are used or if the seller is responsible, it takes approximately 14 days before the money from a sale can be used. This hampers cash flow and ultimately harms business revenue.

By acquiring financing, growing businesses can address these problems. At Fairplay, we know that credit is the engine of growth when used appropriately, which is why we want small and medium-sized retail businesses to access the working capital they need. However, like any tool, it must be used properly to achieve the best results.

Next, we will discuss three ways Amazon sellers can use financing to help their businesses continue to grow.

1.- Maintain available inventory.

At first glance, selling a product quickly and running out of stock may seem positive for a seller; however, this can have a negative impact on Amazon’s search engine ranking.

For a marketplace, it is a risk for a potential buyer to search for a product and find it out of stock. Not finding what they are looking for, the user may try to find it with competitors, postpone their purchase, or even not make it. To avoid this, the platform prioritizes sellers with more inventory in the search engine and places those with less availability lower.

This is where financing comes in. By not having to wait for capital to become available, businesses can anticipate their sales and always have inventory available. This availability allows them to boost sales, obtain good user reviews, improve their reputation as sellers, and maintain a good position in the platform’s search engine.

2.- Improve your reputation as a seller:

After Amazon’s A10 algorithm update, which is responsible for sorting search engine results within Amazon, a seller’s reputation and authority are more relevant than ever.

Amazon considers several factors to determine a seller’s reputation, including:

  • Offer of available products
  • Quality of customer service
  • Seller rating
  • Rating and comments on the products
  • Time the seller has been on the platform.

By obtaining financing, it is possible to strategically invest to improve reputation on Amazon. A good option is to increase the available catalog. Stores that have a wide range of products can cover various user needs and cover more categories, increasing the likelihood that a buyer will purchase several things in one purchase.

3.- Amazon Ads:

Investing in advertising increases visibility within the store, reaches more customers, and increases sales. But it must be done strategically. Acquiring financing to use it in ads is an excellent way to drive business growth.

Through Amazon Ads, platform sellers can manage their PPC campaigns. They can analyze their campaigns and set up how their investment is spent according to the results they seek. It is also one of the variables that Amazon’s search engine algorithm takes into account.

To make the most of ads, it is advisable to consider the following points:

Constantly monitor keywords:

Identify which keywords are most relevant to your audience using Amazon’s platform tools. Review and adjust constantly. If you notice that the results are not as desired, consider experimenting and testing with new words.

Seek the best return on investment:

According to JungleScout, 59% of Amazon sellers are concerned about the increase in the cost per click of advertising on the platform. This is due to the increase in users and consequently in competition.

But to ensure a higher return on investment, focus your advertising on products with a higher profit margin. This way, even if the cost per click increases, you will maintain healthy margins.

Flexible financing that adjusts to your needs:

These are some ways you can use financing to give your business the boost it needs. At Fairplay, we know that every business has its own needs, which is why we offer flexible working capital to help businesses achieve their business goals.

We want more and more retail companies to have access to the financial tools they need to continue growing.

If you want to know more about how Fairplay helps businesses in the retail sector grow, visit or follow them on their social networks.

Vende más en Hot Sale 2024 con nosotros

3 things you should know for Hot Sale

Do you sell in any Marketplace?

Get ready to hit the big time at Hot Sale 2024!

Are you a seller on one of the most visited sites during this frenzied online shopping season? We explain why people buy during the Hot Sale:

1-.Take advantage of discounts and promotions: 57% of shoppers are looking for irresistible deals.

Convenience and timing: 39% find it convenient to make their purchases right now.

Better promotions and variety: 32% value exclusive promotions and the wide range of products available.

See the most purchased categories during the Hot Sale:

  • 40% Fashion
  • 24% Beauty and care
  • 23% Tablets and cell phones
  • 20% Audio and TVs

Do you know which are the most common promotions during Hot Sale?

We tell you here.

-1 to 10% off

-11% to 20% off

– 21% to 21% off

-Monthly interest free

We tell you which are the most used methods during Hot Sale:

  • Credit cards at 45% off
  • Debit cards at 41% off
  • Departmental cards by 12%.

Get ahead of the competition and use these insights to your advantage.

Make it part of your sales strategy!

How to boost your Marketplace with financing

With the capital of the financing you can:

  • Invest in technology and data analysis
  • Expand your inventory
  • Invest in advertising
  • Improve shipping logistics
  • Grow your team

Meet the retail financing experts!


They offer credit for businesses seeking capital to invest in inventory, logistics or marketing. Fairplay analyzes each business using data intelligence to understand the potential of each business and drive growth.

Mejora tu salud como vendedor

Improve your health as an amazon seller

Encourages positive reviews:

Customer feedback is very important for purchasing decisions, drive positive reviews for your products:

-Ask your customer to leave feedback after purchasing.

-Use a feedback software to ask for their opinions to increase positive reviews.

Responds quickly to customers:

Amazon requires sellers to respond to your inquiries within 24 hours, having a standardized response has a positive impact, which will encourage:

-The credibility of your account

-Increase customer satisfaction

-It will strengthen your buyer’s confidence.

Accurate description of your products:

It is essential to present your product accurately to help the buyer make an objective decision, stand out:

-Key aspects such as main application

-Materials used

-Dimensions and weights


-Available colors

Ship products on time

Amazon values a reputation for fast shipping and expects its third-party sellers to uphold this standard:

-Dispatch orders within the established time frame.

-Establish shipping policies for your products.

-Use the Fullfilment by Amazon (FBA) service.

Maintain competitive prices

Price significantly influences consumers’ decisions, sellers that maintain their prices tend to have a good health in their account, they offer:

-Competitive pricing

-Pricing software

-Promotions in their catalogs

Improve the health of your Amazon account with us!

¿What is Fulfillment?

In e-commerce the term means fulfillment and is used to describe the order fulfillment process in e-commerce.

Its importance lies in the valuation that the final customer can have before an e-commerce that applies the Fullfilment.

Advantages of fulfillment:

1- Customer loyalty

2- Cost and time savings

3- Improved profitability

4- Development of operations in other markets.

Be part of these benefits with Leadsphere

SEO Positioning Factors SEO on Amazon

How to position my SEO on Amazon?

Optimized titles

Using relevant or trending keywords will optimize the positioning of your products. A descriptive, clear and attractive title will attract the audience’s attention.

Full description

An optimized full description will help your products highlight their unique features.

Using keywords will help your ideal customer find you quickly.

Informative bullet points

With bullet points, you will show the main advantages of your product, this will positively impact the consumer’s buying decision.

High quality images

High quality and attractive content will help the buyer to have a good impression of your product.

Informative vignettes

With vignettes, you will show the main advantages of your product, this will have a positive impact on the consumer’s decision to buy.

High quality images

High quality and attractive content will give the buyer a good impression of your product.

A+ Content

A+ content will help your customers understand your brand values and products. A great opportunity for consumers to look behind the curtain of your brand.

Position yourself as the first search result on Amazon with us!